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How to Make Chandelier Shades at Home

Snehal Motkar
Are you bored of your old chandelier lamps and don't understand what to do with them? You can change the look of your chandeliers just by covering them with the attractive chandelier shades which you can make at home. Read on...
Chandelier lamps look great when hanged in a room and offer an elegant look to your room. But many people are reluctant to buy them due to their high cost and maintenance. And those who already own one, may agree that chandelier shades look awful and outdated when they get old.
The owners are in a dilemma; they neither can throw them nor are they very happy to retain it. But there is a fantastic solution to this problem and without you having to spend much. These shades are a superb way to give a new, fresh look to the same old chandelier light fixtures.
They come in various colors, shapes which can suit your home decor and fit in your budget as well. Interestingly you can make chandelier shades even at home with the basic materials required for it and your creativity. The given information will support your imagination and help you to make some beautiful, grand chandelier shades.

How to Make Chandelier Shades

Materials Required

  • Chandelier Frames
  • Needle and Thread
  • Glue Gun
  • Ribbon
  • Beads, Bangles


Step 1
Let us assume that we have plastic chandelier frames and decorate them to add a new look to the chandelier. Measure the length of the shade and cut the ribbon strips ½ inch more than the measurements.
Step 2
Heat the glue gun and glue the ribbon strips lengthwise on the shade. Extra ribbon at the end of the shade should be glued inside the shade.
Step 3
You can also make flowers out of the ribbon and glue one at the top and one at the bottom of the shade.
Step 4
To make it more attractive, attach dangling beads at the bottom of each ribbon.

How to Make Custom Chandelier Shades

Materials Required
  • Old Chandelier Shades/Frames
  • Scissors
  • Pencil/Fabric Chalk
  • Fabric or a Decorative Paper
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Ribbon (if you want)
  • Needle and Matching Thread
  • Beaded Trim (optional)


Step 1
You can use old chandelier frames and customize them a little to make it look new and clean or you can even buy new shapes of your choice. If you are using old frames, remove them from the candles or the bulbs.
Step 2
Take off the wrapped decorative paper or fabric and empty the frame properly. Make sure that there are no remnants of old paper or fabric on the frame. While removing the old paper peel it off maintaining its shape.
Step 3
Now, you have to trace the shape of the peeled paper on the fabric that you want to attach to the frame. Keep the peeled paper on the fabric and trace around the edges with a fabric chalk. Use the same paper for several other cut outs so that the measurements remain accurate.
Step 4
Cut out all the shapes using scissors. It is advisable to have one or two extra cut outs in case of a damaged shape.
Step 5
Now, attach each cut out to each frame. Use the stickiness that is already there on the frame to glue the fabric.
Step 6
Stitch the top and bottom side of the shades with a needle and a matching thread to prevent the fabric edges from fraying. This will give a finishing touch to your creation.
Step 7
Wrap the ribbon around the top of the shade and cut at the end. Keeping this as an ideal measurement, cut out some more ribbons for the remaining shapes.
Step 8
Heat the hot glue gun and glue the ribbon on the top and bottom side of the shade. Make sure that you hide all the unfinished edges, if any.
Step 9
Let the glue dry. Once it is dried, place it over the chandelier candles or the bulbs and hang the chandelier wherever you want to.
These were a few creative ideas for making chandelier shades at home. You can make similar shades or modify them according to your own imagination. If you have interest in doing such creative activities, go ahead with these easy steps and make the best chandelier shades for your house.