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How to Make a Collage

Azmin Taraporewala
Don't know how to create a collage? Well, here we will show you how to make one. Creating a collage involves some easy yet significant steps. It is often said that a collage mirrors your mind and reflects your personality. So, create a piece of art that speaks about you! Follow these instructions to make your own Picasso piece!
You are supposed to submit an Artwork tomorrow morning. You are running short of time and short of creative ideas (well, that's a prerequisite!) and last but not the least, you feel terrible about the situation at hand. Alright, cheer-up now! Here is a great idea. Let's create a collage.
Before we embark on this very exciting journey of learning and creating a collage, let us introduce you to the idea of a collage. A collage could be defined as an art-form that is created by amalgamating different pieces to produce a unique piece of artwork.
It involves both art and craft. It could also be referred to as a pastiche of sorts. The term collage descends from the French word 'coller', which means to glue.

Making a Collage Step-by-step

1. The first step is to collect material that you would like to paste together. The material could range from colorful pieces of cloth, scrap from magazines, newspaper, photographs, little beads ... just about anything that helps you add a personal touch. You could draw, sketch, or paint things you like to include in your masterpiece.
2. Next step involves employing a nice, big sheet of paper and a cardboard piece to get the base thick. You also need to think about the background of your collage. It could be plain and sober or twisted and zingy. This is where you need to get creative to the core. The background has to be captivating.
3. After the background is decided, you could get to some serious work. Paste the sheet of paper on the cardboard and cut the duo the way you want it. Juggle with different shapes and sizes or add some decorative pieces such as beads.
You may also make colored cotton balls. Just dip them in the color palette and sprinkle a bit of gold or silver shimmer. Make them a part of your background.
4. Take pages of a magazine and cut them in irregular shapes and sizes. You may also tear them by yourself into tiny bits and pieces. No need to use scissors. You would naturally get different shapes and sizes.
5. If you want to add quotes or words of your choice in the collage, write them by yourself by using stencils. You could display your calligraphy skills in here as well.
Cutting different characters and letters from the magazine or newspaper in different fonts and colors and sticking them together to construct a word or sentence of your choice is also a good idea.
6. Stick the material on the background you have crafted. You could either plan it beforehand, so as to have an idea of how the collage would look when it is done or you could resort to going with the flow.
7. After the pasting is done, let the collage dry completely.
8. Use beads or metal pieces as capstones to your collage.
9. Get ready to garner compliments that come your way. Your collage is done!

Tips to Make a Collage

Here are some quick tips and collage ideas that you could keep in mind to help you create your masterpiece.

Material Mania -

More, more and more material would make it all the more colorful.
Having adequate material on hand is the prerequisite to creating a collage of your dreams. You may decide on a theme of your choice and collect material that goes with the theme.

The 'YOU' Factor -

Right from the material that the collage constitutes, to the final look of your piece, the collage should only scream one word ...'YOU'. Yes, the collage should reflect your personality - the way you are, your likes and dislikes. Let the collage do the talking for you!

The Time-n-Table Combo -

Two factors need to be taken into consideration. The time you take to craft the collage and the place you choose to work. Try to devote enough time to your collage. Don't try and complete things in a hurry. Give it time. Assign yourself a place that invites fewer distractions. Use a table that is large enough to accommodate your material.

Wordy Impact -

Pen down words, sentences, quotations with a creative twist. Make use of stencils, calligraphy pens or include certain words in different languages or use a different script. Make words your tool to hit the eye.

Spac(e)ial Effect -

Do not make your collage look incomprehensible and suffocated. (Remember, it is supposed to be your reflection!). Well, you need to leave some space for your collage to breathe.

Rights Reserved -

Copyright your work. To give it a touch of authenticity, sign your initials, stick your picture and give a short profile description.

Picasso Power -

Display your work of art with confidence and panache. The collage is your personalized style statement. You have an access to it every single minute. It is what you are. Show it off!
A collage could be the perfect birthday gift too. You could make a photo collage using your own and your friends picture, incorporating some funny quotes.
Writing something that she often repeats in a her sentences or involving certain things that speak about her personality such as including beads if she is fond of bracelets or include a picture of her favorite dish, if she is a pure foodie or paste coins if she loves collecting them.
Well, photo collage ideas are plenty. A photo collage could carry you down the memory lane and get you all nostalgic!
Besides, to create a collage you need good incorporation skills. Never mind, if you don't possess the skill, you could always develop it, right! So go ahead and pastiche your persona!