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Fun Craft Ideas for Kids

Amruta Gaikwad
Craft is a good source of bringing out the creativity in children. Read some of the kids' craft ideas and let your kids have a good time.
Skill and imagination are the key ingredients of craft. Working with precision and determination, can create many beautiful and decorative pieces. Little children have a curious mind and always show interest in doing and creating something new.
Putting these little vulnerable minds into some craft activities can shape their creativity and boost their imagination too. There are plenty of craft ideas for kids that can inspire them to develop some interesting items.
Learning to make different objects by just folding the paper, can help children to create wonderful decorative pieces for different occasions such as Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving and more. Let's now take a look at some of the innovative kids' craft ideas.

Egg Pedestal

These are simple and yet pretty holders, which can be used to display colorful eggs or sometimes can be used for displaying candles too.
  • Pencil/Toothpick
  • 12 inch Pipe cleaners

1. Cut the pipe cleaner into two. Divide the second part of the pipe cleaner into 6 parts.

2. Use them in making a support for the stand.

3. Twist them and attach them on either ends of the pipe.
4. Cover the pipes with ribbons of different color combinations or any one color will look good too.

5. color the empty eggs with different colors or create different patterns and designs to make them look more attractive.

6. Display them on the holder.
This craft idea is easy to make and children can get the pleasure of painting and also constructing. This acts as an excellent decorative piece during Easter and adds a lot of color to the room too.

Christmas Wreath

Wreaths can be personalized as per the occasion and look great on the wall.
  • Wreath Form
  • Tinsel Garland
  • Shatterproof Balls (You can select the color combination of your choice)
  • Ribbons
  • Wire Snips
  • Glue

1. Cover the wreath with the tinsel garland. Tie it very tightly to avoid it from slipping. Use the glue to stick the ends of the garland or you can tie the knot too.

2. Pick up a ribbon of any color of your choice and wrap it over the tinsel garland. As you are wrapping the ribbon, stick it with glue so that it doesn't fall off the wreath.
3. Shatter balls have metal loops as they are used for hanging purposes. You can just gently pull out the loops or just snip it off. Stick the shatter balls to the wreath.

Shatter balls can also be replaced by other decorative ornaments such as flowers or feathers.


Peculiar characteristics of magnets always fascinate children. However, making them would turn out to be an interesting project for these little children.
  • Small toys
  • A strong glue
  • Disc magnets

1. Collect all the small toys that children don't play with. Shells, dice, pebbles and blocks would make great options for making magnets.

2. Spread sufficient amount of glue on the disc magnet or at the back of the item you have to stick on the magnet. Press the two pieces firmly on each other, so that they stick well.
3. Keep the object aside, till it both the items get properly stuck on each other.

After the glue is completely dried, you can put the magnet against the refrigerator or cupboard.


The art of making a mobile could be easy and also complex. Take up a tutorial in making a mobile and master the skill to make your own fascinating mobile.
  • Wire
  • Small ornaments or toys
  • Wire sips
  • Thin threads
  • Ribbon

1. Take wire and make a ring out of it. Twist in the ends of wires into each other. Select the color of the ribbon and wrap it around the wire.

2. Take the thread and tie the small toys to the wire.
3. Take some more wire and make a loop out of it to hang it.

If you are having a difficult time in collecting small toys, then use some colorful craft papers and make cut outs from them and replace the toys with them. Making cut outs is complex, but is another innovative craft idea that children can try out.


Making a mosaic is a craft that is being used since old times. They look good on mirrors and are even used for wall decorations. These crafts require a lot of skill work. These mosaics are simple to make and children will enjoy making them.
  • Mirror
  • Decorative pieces (pebbles, gems, childhood photographs)
  • Strong glue

1. As children will be using mirrors, make sure that the edges are softened and well cut.

2. Collect the small decorative pieces that you have collected. In case, you want to paste your pictures, then pick out some of the interesting ones and begin making a frame out of the photographs.
3. Allow the glue to dry and you'll have your mirror mosaic ready

You can even use pebbles, seashells or even fake gems.

Greeting Cards

Making greeting cards consumes less time and is very easy to make.

1. Fold the white card in a way that looks like a book.

2. Use the beads or cutouts to give a 3D look to the front page of your card.

3. Use the stencil to mention the greetings like Happy Birthday on the card.

Your child can develop his/her imagination and make innovative greeting cards for different occasions or celebrations.
These are some simple kids' craft ideas, that your child will enjoy learning and making too. Also, pick up some craft books for your children to give some more ideas for making different and unique objects. Have fun!