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Modeling Clay

Azmin Taraporewala
Modeling clay! Sounds fun-filled and exciting, isn't it? If you are in dire need to put your gyrating gray cells to a creative endeavor, then here is a piece that will assist you to do just that. Read this to learn what is modeling clay - its recipe and ideas. Mold on to promote your imaginative buds...
"The sky looks drab, the birds, as though forced to chirp, sing in monotony, the cat positioned in a snug fold, a sense of dimness, as though casting shadows of a pine tree, a guitar in a dilapidated state disowned in the room and a piece of clay ... ." Well, how should we describe this one? Maybe, a piece of clay lying in the corners of darkness!
Another way to describe could be a piece of clay molded to create sculptures of variegated colors, and textures. The later sounds more creative. Well, modeling clay is pure fun, this is the only activity that dances on your tunes, indeed!

What Is Modeling Clay?

Modeling clay refers to a set of associative ductile materials, employed to sculpt, and build diverse and assorted shapes. It is used by children, artisans, sculptors, artists, and by all those, who find monotony gripping them tight, as you did!
This pliable group of materials have an inherent property to be molded in various shapes and sizes that create intriguing effects. Sculpt, blend or deliver texture, modeling clay does it all!

Different Types of Modeling Clay

Paper Clay

Paper clay can be sculpted and molded into any shape. This type of clay is extremely light in weight, and is self-reliant for drying purposes. It is also known that paper clay tends to fragment easily.

Oil-based Clay

An oil-based modeling clay, also referred to as plasticine or plastilina is a feasibly soft clay. The oil based clay is bestowed with an indispensable quality of retaining its soft texture, thereby, not drying or hardening.
This type of clay could be used as it is, in its original state, when picked from the store, or may be blended. It does not possess an adhesive property. When you handle oil based clay, your hands don't feel slippery and slimy.

Pottery Clay

The properties of pottery clay, are a precise diametric to oil based clay. Contrary to oil based clay, pottery clay has a sticky feel when handled. This type of clay, does not retain its softness for a long time. It becomes hard, making it practically non-feasible to work with. The pottery clay, as the name suggests, is used for the purpose of pottery.
The firing clay, as it is also known, is air-dried followed by the firing process in the kiln. The potter's wheel manufactures pots of clay, with pots being ornamented with subtle matte, or marvelously glossy finishes and textures, and baked through the process of firing.

Dough Modeling Clay

This is also regarded as play dough. Play doughs are economically reasonable than other varieties of modeling clay. It is an edible molding, also called salt dough that is meant for the purpose of indulging in unadulterated play. The dough could also be prepared at home.
The most enlightening characteristic about play dough is that the dough is easily recyclable - you could use and reuse it innumerable times. Make a cowboy hat, a polka-dotted dress, a Halloween mask, or a delightful wreathe by reprocessing the clay. However, the play dough has a tendency to develop cracks while air-drying, or during the process of baking.

Polymer Modeling Clay

This is obtainable with regards to their different textures, and degree of softness that they possess. Polymer clays are accessible in variegated hues and colors. If you have opted for plain, colorless dough, you could color the same according to your preference. A wide array of colors include translucent, metallic, and other flashy and dynamic shades.

How to Make Modeling Clay

Here is a recipe that will be worth the effort, energy and time. It is a great way to get the kids' mind occupied, instead of them confining their olfactory and visual senses to the idiot cube, rather, the flat cube!
Mentioned here are easy instructions that you may follow on how to make play dough.

1. Equip your kitchen counter with flour, water, salt, and food colors.
2. The next step is to pour a cup of water, add a cup of salt, and 2 cups of flour in a container bowl. Blend it thoroughly.
3. Now introduce a food color of your choice. Keep blending.
4. Ensure that the mixture is consistent and the texture is soft, yet firm. To avoid over-drying, place the mixture into an air-tight container. Your modeling clay is ready!
You could use this clay to form shapes of your choice, and remember to reuse the clay by transforming the clay into a different shape.
Another suggestion worth the mention - kindly keep the dough away from areas that are heavily carpeted or have a fashionable flooring. Playing with play dough is great 'fun', but scrubbing and plucking out the residual modeling material from the carpet is no frolic, you see!

Modeling Clay Ideas

You could make just about anything with modeling clay. Some easy art and craft ideas for kids with clay modeling are suggested in this section.
  • Well, for a start, you could teach your kids basic shapes, such as making a cube, a ball, or a cone.
  • Fruit shapes could also be made with clay modeling.
  • After kids become acquainted with the basic shapes, introduce them to the making of a pyramid, or a prism. This technique of clay modeling will aid children, in learning the practical way.
  • The clay could also be molded in the shape of a snake, and the same long structure of the clay mold, could be transformed into a circular tube, by joining the two ends of the snake shape.
  • Another shape that could be formulated is that of a snowman. A snowman could be made, by rolling two pieces of clay into the shape of a ball. One clay ball should be smaller than the other.
Fix the smaller clay ball on the larger one and make its eyes by poking two adjacent holes into its forehead. Make a small cone by rolling a piece of clay, and fix the piece on its face. The nose of the snowman is made!
  • You could also make a caterpillar, by making seven to eight little spherical balls, and attaching them one after the other. Your caterpillar is ready to crawl!
  • A piece of art is created, when the child is taught to make a house. Molding the clay into a small cube and a prism respectively, piled on top of the cube, makes a house.
Having your child indulge in intelligent play, that succeeds in stimulating their intellect and amalgamation quotient, helps them to learn well, grasp quickly, and retain basic knowledge for a lifetime.
Still stuck on this piece of writing? Well, we suggest you go and lay your hands on the basic ingredients, to prepare modeling clay and help your master create a master piece! Your Pablo Picasso is ready to mold on, and create designs that could become monolithic ... someday!